Found 14 products about

Antioxidant Rubber

Polyadds Antioxidant Newantox 4020/6PPD 793-24-8

Polyadds Antioxidant Newantox 4020/6PPD 793-24-8

Polyadds Antioxidant Newantox 4020/6PPD is an outstanding antioxidant and antiozonant, which exhibits strong anti-ozone, anti-fatigue and anti-bending performance

Model:Newantox 4020/6PPD

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox IPPD(4010NA) 101-72-4

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox IPPD(4010NA) 101-72-4

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox IPPD(4010NA) is an outstanding antioxidant and antiozonant, which exhibits strong anti-ozone, anti-fatigue and anti-bending performance;

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox IPPD's oxidation resistance performance is better than that of quinolone and amine antioxidants;

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox IPPD has a certain protective effect on the catalytic oxidation of copper, manganese and other variable-valent metals.

Model:Newantox IPPD(4010NA)

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 7PPD 3081-01-4

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 7PPD 3081-01-4

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 7PPD is a general antioxidant and antiozonant, which is suitable for the formulations of natural rubber and synthetic rubber;

Model:Newantox 7PPD

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 77PD(4030) 3081-14-9

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 77PD(4030) 3081-14-9

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 77PD(4030) is suitable for rubber materials that work under static conditions for a long time, such as aviation tires, engineering tires, agricultural equipment tires, and automotive structural supports, fixed hoses, sealing strips and so on.

Model:Newantox 77PD(4030)

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox A7750 3081-14-9

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox A7750 3081-14-9

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox A7750 can be used in natural rubber and synthetic rubber products to improve cracking, discoloration, while usually used with IPPD, 6PPD together, to improve dynamic ozone aging resistance and flexing fatigue properties

Model:Newantox A7750

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox EPPD 793-24-8/3081-01-4

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox EPPD 793-24-8/3081-01-4

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox EPPD is an environment-friendly antioxidant, which can replace 8PPD;

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox EPPD is mainly used as a polymerization inhibitor for the synthesis of SBR and a stabilizer for the production, storage and transportation of SBR.

Model:Newantox EPPD

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox S-TMQ 26780-96-1

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox S-TMQ 26780-96-1

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox S-TMQ can be applied to all kinds of rubber products such as tires, rubber tubes, rubber belts, etc.;

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox S-TMQ is recommended to be used tire belt, body ply compounds, which can improve cord performance.

Model:Newantox S-TMQ

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox TMQ(RD) 26780-96-1

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox TMQ(RD) 26780-96-1

US $57.5

Model:Newantox TMQ(RD)

LANXESS Antioxidant 4020/6PPD

LANXESS Antioxidant 4020/6PPD

Features: LANXESS antioxidant Vulkanox 4020LG is suitable for protection against dynamic stress, oxidation, heat, ozone and rubber poisoning.

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox DTPD(3100)

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox DTPD(3100)

The protection of PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 3100 against ozone aging and flex-cracking is slightly less effective than that of the antioxidants 4010NA and 4020, but the long-lasting properties are superior.

Model:Newantox 3100

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox BKF(2246)

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox BKF(2246)

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox BKF(2246): Good protection against heat and oxygen, also effective in preventing rubber poisoning.

Model:Newantox BKF(2246)

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox HS/LG(2222) 26780-96-1

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox HS/LG(2222) 26780-96-1

Features: ■ Ecllentprobecthonhromanygenandh

■ Good praledtionfhom rubber poisons

■ Sightanb-Hex cackhingeled

■ Medium stainingandltecontiactstaring

■ Lowwdlatily andlowmgrationfendency

■ Insomecass antiozonantacthaitylevels of stress.

Model:Newantox HS/LG(2222)

Sennics Antioxidant Sirantox 4020/6PPD

Sennics Antioxidant Sirantox 4020/6PPD

US $75

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 2246 119-47-1

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 2246 119-47-1

PolyAdds Antioxidant Newantox 2246 is a versatile phenolic antioxidant

Model:Newantox 2246