Found 9 products about

Rubber Additive

PolyAdds AntiScorching Agent CTP(PVI)  17796-82-6

PolyAdds AntiScorching Agent CTP(PVI) 17796-82-6

US $125


Rhenogran Na 2CO 3 70/CO

Rhenogran Na 2CO 3 70/CO

Sodium carbonate can be used as an alkali agent to neutralize acidic substances to adjust the acid-base balance during rubber processing.

Rhenogran ZnO 80

Rhenogran ZnO 80

It is commonly used in the manufacture of tires, rubber seals and other rubber products.

Rhenogran MgO 75

Rhenogran MgO 75

Rhenogran MgO 75 is an inorganic compound commonly used as a filler and reinforcing agent in rubber formulations.



This product can improve the plasticizing speed of raw rubber, shorten the plasticizing time, 1/3-1/2, reduce energy consumption. It has no effect on the vulcanization speed and physical properties of rubber; the product is safe and stable.

Dicumyl peroxide

Dicumyl peroxide

Solubility: soluble in benzene, isopropyl benzene, ether, petroleum ether, slightly soluble in ethanol, insoluble in water

Sirubtis HS OT 20

Sirubtis HS OT 20

-HS OT 20 is generally used in unsaturated rubber formulations with high sulfur content, especially when the phr of added parts exceeds the solubility of soluble sulfur;

-HS OT 20 has a low migration rate, even dispersion and a long scorch time in rubber, which can improve the adhesion between copper coated steel wire and rubber, so it is widely used in tire steel wire adhesive formulations and OTR tires;

-HS OT 20 can also be used in vulcanized rubber products with high requirements for performance.

Vulkalent E/C

Vulkalent E/C

It can be used as high-temperature rapid anti-scorching agent for EPDM vulcanization, and also can promote the degree of EPDM vulcanization. Especially suitable for automotive seals.



US $125