PA Compatibility Agent 08
PA Compatibility Agent 08

Item specifics




Describe:Plastic modification, coating material blends, plastic alloy compatibilizers.
Characteristic:Property Indicator
Appearance White or off-white powder/granules
Melting Point Typically ranges between 150-200°C
Density Approximately 0.90-1.10 g/cm³
Moisture Content <0.5%
Particle Size Varies, often <0.5 mm
Solubility Insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvents
Thermal Stability Stable up to 300°C

Features:The plastic raw material has excellent aging resistance.
It possesses both plasticity and high elasticity.
It can be processed and used without vulcanization.
Scrap material can be reused.
SEBS plastic raw material has good weather resistance, heat resistance, compression set resistance, and excellent mechanical properties.

Application:Widely used in the production of high-end elastomers.
Plastic modification.
Lubricant thickeners.
Filler and sheath material for wires and cables.